Pierre-Marie Brisson was born June 11th 1955 in Orleans France. Self taught at the age of 14 years he started to take an interest in painting.


In 1975 his first exhibition took place in Orleans at the Charles Herzog Gallery and began to visit it regularly. In 1978 during a voyage in Italy he familiarized himself with Quatrocentro Italian Renaissance and Etruscan Art. In 1979 he settled down in Paris with the help of the Pasnic workshop which initiated him in the etching of carborandum (following the procedure of Goetz used by Clave Coignard Miro Papart Tapies etc.). In 1980 he signed a contract with the Lucette Herzog Gallery for the diffusion of his work in Europe.


His reputation and popularity have increased over the years and CCA Galleries have an extensive collection of his prints.